Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Button Art

Button art is nothing new…you'll find all sorts of tutorials, from the intricate to the simple initials. I've been wanting to do this for a while, but didn't have any bright or specific ideas for it. When I started redoing the boys play nook, I decided the walls definitely need some attention, the time for button art has arrived! :)

I bought turquoise chevron fabric with the intent to make decorative pillows for the bench…but with no sewing machine, (I was going to get one, but I never cleaned the guest room/craft room and just kept compiling more crafting goods on top of the already existing mess, so there's no space for it…weird, right?), which makes sewing nice pillows just a pipe dream for the moment. But I can't just not use this fabric, it's lovely!

Now, you don't really know me, I mean how could you with two other blogs under my belt…but I LOVE am obsessed-to-an-unhealthy-degree with chevron! If I could and it was socially acceptable, I would deck myself and my home out in nothing but chevron! I deserve some crazy good high-fives for refraining from this particular madness of mine…even though the curtains and headboard in my bedroom both have succumb to this craze…and maybe one of the curtains I made in the laundry room…but you really just don't even know if that's true…in fact, those are probably just vicious lies.

My boys are my sunshine, so I thought a vibrant sun seemed fitting…and later I'll be doing a rainbow for the other side of the window.

Here's what you'll be needing:
- A board or canvas (I used leftover MDF board)
- Fabric (I used indoor/outdoor fabric I bought here)
- Assorted buttons
- Glue gun
- Spray adhesive
- Scissors
- Drill
- Marker or pen
- Ruler or measuring device

Cut out your fabric to fit your board.

If you aren't a fan of hanging hardware, like I'm not a fan of hanging
hardware, I suggest drilling a hole in the back of your canvas in the top area, dead center…
plus any excuse to drill something…

Spray the adhesive onto the front of the board. I lay down a trash bag
 under the board to keep the glue from going everywhere, which it tends to do.

**Side note: Spray adhesive disperses itself like a thin layer of invisible jam with a foot radius of where you're actually aiming…and when you're a parent, you're aware that invisible jam-like stickiness is the enemy! So maybe take the precaution and lay down something as well, just to be safe…because evidently it's very irritating to be walking through the kitchen and your sock just randomly sticks to the floor because your lovely, DIY-driven fiancé made the wedding programs there and she left the floor fully exposed to the invisible jam warfare and it takes weeks for the stickiness to wear off on it's own. Although I'm sure rubbing alcohol would take it right off, your fiancé took no such steps.**

Press the fabric firmly onto the board and be sure all the lines are straight,
 or properly zig-zagging in my case. Then glue gun all the sides down nicely.

Confession: I really wanted to bring out the staple gun…just for the fun of it.

Once your board is beautifully fabric'ed up…start gettin your button-gluing on!
I think using only round buttons would be easier than all the random shapes I used.

Once you're done, put it on display, for the loin-fruit to admire!

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